Thursday 6 December 2007

New Phasmid Study Group Website

The new PSG website is now nearing the stage where we can advertise it to the membership and the public.

Like the Blattodea Culture Group website this is a 'Scratchpad' (essentially the content management system Drupal with a few tweaks and add-ons), a system developed by EDIT and hosted at the Natural History Museum.

A lot of work has already been done, including digitising indexes to the PSG Newsletter and Phasmid Studies, scanning back issues of the PSG Newsletter and Le Monde des Phasmes, and transferring all the information from the old site.

However our plans do not stop there. We are also building a library of out-of-copyright articles on Phasmids, and writing a lot of new content too.

Many of these features will be members' only access, and we hope that this will encourage people to join, and remain with, the group.

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