Tuesday 28 August 2012

Invertebrate Sound and Vibration 2013

An interesting sounding conference.

The 14th Invertebrate Sound and Vibration international meeting will be held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 23-26, 2013
Invertebrate Sound and Vibration (ISV) integrates a wide range of themes including biomechanics, evolution, behavioral ecology, neuroethology, phylogenetics, and genomics of acoustic and vibratory communication in invertebrates. ISV typically attracts over 100 delegates at all stages of their careers. ISV meetings provide an excellent opportunity to present your work and to network with colleagues. 
The meeting will be a superb opportunity to catch up with colleagues, talk excellent science, and visit Scotland! 
The meeting host is Dr James Windmill, with co-organiser Dr Shira Gordon, both at the Centre of Ultrasonic Engineering, University of Strathclyde.

Conference website

Lord Howe Island phasmid hatching

First video of a nymph of the Lord Howe Island stick insect hatching from its egg.


